Thursday, September 30, 2010

TRAIL OF TERROR my $10 mindful palm readings

I will be doing my mindful palm readings, which I am very proud of Oct 22 and 23rd at the Trail of Terror, and possibly the next weekend also.Come on out!!!


9 p.m. hour I am the guest of Esme Murphy or 830 on the am dial

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Opportunity for a complimentary Ruth reading!!

Compliments of Hobo in the Galleria in Edina, a store I have been "visiting" forever! 7-8 pm This Friday, sept 10, 2010. It's a whole night of celebration at the best specialty mall in the upper midwest. Stop in and get a dead on reading and the best all around garments ever! p.s. I was there today and they have THE ultimate ulility black dress/ skirt from 3 dot, as well as the only truly no line underwear I have found, and I have searched in 3 countries! c u soon, Ruth

Friday, September 3, 2010

caution psychic on line sites using my name

This is the OFFICIAL and ONLY website for me, Ruth Lordan. After googling my name I found multiple psychi websites using the article where I am given props for being right about Brett Farve's return date and if you press on it it directs you to their hotlines. I do not know if they are telling people that they can have a reading with me--it's all on line or phone, so they could put anyone on. I do not feel this happening but do feel that it will. So forewarned is forearmed! There disclaimer posted !