Sunday, December 29, 2013

Gleanings from the fields of life

That's the working title of my now final draft of book. Like Ruth who in the scriptures gleaned in the fields I too have gleaned in the fields. The final draft is done -every chapter starts with a scripture verse. now to find a publisher, self publishing is not an option right now......

Friday, December 27, 2013

KQ listeners special deal

I am getting inquiries about the KQ special I announced on air. so many were not able to make the  Medina for the free session that I have decided to offer this. If you order the 10 minute you will get 20 minutes as long as when you send in your photo you mention KQ. These are phone sessions and I request a photo you take of you yes a selfie, thinking about the reading and then you call the number I send back to you when the confirmation comes., This will be good until Jan 10!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Today Friday Dec 13th I will channel Jim Thorpe the greatest athlete of all time who is also of Native American descent and has his thoughts on the Redskins name controversy. Tune in to 105the Ticket on i heart  105.1.3 and 7 fm and on their website listen live at 4:15 ct.  This is a weelky segment I do on this national radio network, and today promised to be super special in a good way..

Friday, November 29, 2013

Wishing all a wonderful spirit filled holiday season. This one is special-the veil has thinned and the spirits are speaking! Dreams, visions, please write them down and  save them;not all will be easy and instantly understood. Yes, I can help with that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Now offering Spirit contact, meditation and more

As i write my book reflecting 43 years of professional service, I am confident and ready to help speak to those who have passed and to share the meditation knowledge as I have been authorized to do so by perhaps the best living meditation teacher in the world, Prajan as he goes by an amazing Thai monk

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

another link to story

fox 9 tv on national news !  here is me on fox 9  and nationally

Friday, January 18, 2013

Prince to play impromptu shows at Dakota Jazz Club in Minneapolis

Read more: Prince to jam with new band at Dakota Jazz Club in Minneapolis - KMSP-TV         I am interviewed at the end